Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Emergency room overcrowding Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Emergency room overcrowding - Thesis Example he research will involve the collection and analysis of primary and secondary data with an aim of determining the gravity of the matter, its impacts on service delivery, and to determine the best possible way to tackle this problem. Overcrowding of public and private facilities in different locations and regions is not an uncommon phenomenon. Unfortunately, when people overcrowd a facility or place, several negative things may happen. Some diseases, for one, are easily spread from one individual to the other through the air. Yet again, overcrowding in many cases leads to inefficiency and those who are charged with the duty of providing service may be hampered in their bid to provide their vital services as noted by Gupta, Sharma and Wickramasinghe (2005). Yet again, overcrowding may present vital opportunity to ill minded individuals to engage in certain unethical activities including pick pocketing as noted by Miller (2010). Hospitals being places that are visited mainly by people from various diverse backgrounds have not been exempted from experiencing problems related to overcrowding. In fact, the last couple of years have seen more emergency rooms facing overcrowding. This has led to health experts ringing an alarm over the risks that people expose themselves to due to this worrying trend. There may be many causes of overcrowding in the emergency room as noted by several experts in diverse fields. Some of these causes include higher acuity and need for more complex treatments in some hospitals, rising number of older patients, the existence of fewer healthcare facilities and rising need for emergency cases according to the Joint Commission Resources (2004). While a number of studies have been conducted with respect to hospitals and emergency rooms, very few have been conducted with an aim of addressing the problem of crowding. There are several causes of emergency room overcrowding most of which can be significantly eliminated through the realignment and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Biological Conservation And Its Importance Environmental Sciences Essay
Biological Conservation And Its Importance Environmental Sciences Essay The irreversible loss of the earths diverse biological resources is given major importance today. The living resources are primarily threatened by habitat degradation and loss, habitat fragmentation, overexploitation, and species invasions (Groom Carroll, 2006; Mittermeier Bowles, 1993) which most experts believed we are now confronting the sixth major extinction in history. The different natural resources or biodiversity, as defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity, is the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems (CBD, 1992). The planets biological diversity basically gives value to our social and economic life. We use the living world as a resource for food supply, an energy source, a source for recreation, a major source of raw materials for medicines, and a natural resource for industrial products. It is a source of many of our current medicines (e.g., 25% of all pharmaceutical prescriptions in the US contain active ingredients from plants and 3000 antibiotics such as penicillin are derived from microorganisms, (WRI/IUCN/UNEP, 1992). Furthermore, people are looking to the natural world as an escape and as a means of maintaining their sanity, especially in the industrialized nations. All of this translates into good economics as well, as the growing industry of ecotourism and other nature-based forms of recreation (e.g., fishing, hunting, hiking) becoming ever more popular. Worldwide, nature tourism generates some $12 billion annually (Lindberg, 1991) and it is likely to grow even more rapidly in the tr opical countries, where it is already a major foreign exchange earner for several countries. Moreover, Pearce et al. (2007) categorized the economic values or benefits of biodiversity into four general components: First, its contribution to ecosystem functions which include watershed regulation, nutrient cycling and microclimate mediation, the provision of global services such as climate regulation and carbon sequestration, and evolutionary processes. Second, the commercial and use values which involve the harvesting use and marketing of particular biodiversity commodities, such as timber, bush meat and medicinal plants. Third, non-use values which reflect the peoples willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation regardless of the uses made of biodiversity. Motivations for non-use value vary some notion of stewardship, some notion of Natures right to exist, a concern to leave an asset for future generations, aesthetics, and so on. Fourth, its contribution to ecosystem resilience derived from aggregated diversity i.e. from the aggregated value of genetic diversity within species, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. The diversity of nature not only offers us a vast power of choice for our current needs and desires. It also enhances the role of nature as a source of solutions for the future needs and challenges of mankind. The earths genes, species, and ecosystems are the products of over 3 billions of evolution, and are the basis for our survival. Humans depend on other organisms for food, medicines, and raw materials. Our survival is tied to the health of the ecosystems we live in. The diversity of life ensures that living things will be able to adapt to a future, which is certain to be full of change. In very basic terms, in order to adapt to a changing environment, the raw materials of nature as well as humanity itself require genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. Daly Cobb (1989) emphasized this point when he said that the diversity of nature increases the likelihood that at least some species will survive and give rise to new lineages that will replenish the earths biodiversity. Living things also have an intrinsic value and a beauty that is considerable and without which our life would be poorer. All these things make the maintenance of biological diversity vitally important to humankind, coming from the opportunities it provides humanity to adapt to local and global change. Biological resources now face serious repercussions due to pervasive human activities. Species are becoming extinct, ecosystems and ecosystem types are lost and the remaining populations and species are losing their diversity. Thus, everyone is convinced about the importance of biological conservation. Conservation of natural resources is the major focus of Conservation Biology the scientific study of the nature and status of earths biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystem from excessive rates of extinction. To date, some 1.7 million known species exist but the great majority of species alive today, possibly as much as 90 per cent, are not known (Gunter, 2004). IUCN (1980) defined conservation as the management of human use of the biosphere so that it yields benefits to present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the needs of future generations. The scope of IUCNs concept of conservation is further expounded by the objectives of living resource conservation, and that is (1) to maintain essential ecological processes; (2) to preserve genetic diversity: and (3) to ensure the sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems. The key aim of biological conservation is to maintain the diversity of living organisms, their habitats and the interrelationships between organisms and their environment (Spellerberg Hardes, 1992). Furthermore, as claimed by Siipi (2004), biological conservation can be carried out in various ways but generally, it revolves around the standard methods of ecosystem preservation, ecosystem restoration, and ecosystem engineering. There are several studies conducted on assessing attitudes towards environmental issues. Major themes of study commonly focused on the attitudes of the people towards environmental conservation (Badola, 1998; Fiallo Jacobson, 1995; Newmark et al, 1993; Infield, 1988; Walpole Goodwin, 2001). Other studies directed their attention on the attitudes towards wildlife conservation (Morgan Gramann, 1989; Kellert, 1994; Sekhar Udaya, 2003; Gadd, 2005). Attitudinal surveys were also conducted to students pertaining to environmental awareness, knowledge and attitudes. Chan (1996) and Tikka et al (2000) reported that female students showed more positive environmental attitudes than male students. However, Arcury et al.(1986) showed that males are more aware and sensitive to environmental issues than females. While Thang Kumarasamy (2006) and Caro et al. (2003) reported that gender had limited or no bearing on students perceptions of the environment. Previous researchers like Deng et al (2006) and Larijani and Yeshodhara (2008) also found out that environmental attitudes differ among race, cultures and societies. Academic major is said to be a contributing factor also which affects environmental attitudes (Karanth et al., 2008; Ozden, 2008) and as well as the type of conservation knowledge imparted to students strongly influenced their commitment towards conservation initiatives (Barraza and Walford, 2002). Results of different studie s also showed different manners for several factors like school type, age, income, and residence (Korhonen Lappalainen, 2004; Tuncer et al., 2005). What are ENGOs? Definition of an NGO There have been a lot of labels that apply for NGOs such as, peoples organization, peoples movement, trade union, cooperative, community organization, coalition, network, federation, alliance and united front. These names are still current but are now captured by a new catch-all category civil society organizations (CSOs). The concept of civil society is complex, vague and elusive, however, as it is difficult to deploy a single definition to cover a range of organisations broad enough to include the church, tribal structures, major international agencies, single issue campaign groups, semi-independent public sector agencies, business fora, and small local/national NGOs, while still retaining operational usefulness (Haley Clayton, 2003). . Moreover, civil society is sometimes referred to as the third sector, indicating its distinct status from the public and private sectors (McArthur, 2008). Thus, CSOs refer to different types of non-corporate private voluntary institutions promoting a variety of public causes. NGO is only one form of CSO, though often the two are taken to mean the same thing. However, it can be argued that all NGOs can be regarded as civil society organizations though not all civil society organizations are NGOs. NGOs take different forms and play different roles in different continents, with the NGO sector being most developed in Latin America and parts of Asia. The roots of NGOs are different according to the geographical and historical context. As stated by Schiavo-Campo Sundaram (2001), NGOs are not-for-profit organizations and can be recognized as such if they are privately set up and sufficiently autonomous in its activity, that is independent of direct governmental control. Secondly, an NGO should clearly define its voluntary character. Thirdly, it cannot be considered a political party with an aim of attaining political power. And lastly, an NGO should support development which demonstrates its public interest character. Furthermore, the non-governmental aspect of NGO, as stated by White (1994), places it conventionally outside the state in civil society, i.e. intermediate associational realm between state and family populated by organizations which are separate from the state, enjoy autonomy in relation to the state and are formed voluntarily by members of society to protect or extend their interests or values. Although there is contestation of the definition of an NGO, it is widely accepted that these are organizations which pursue activities to relieve the suffering, promote interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, and undertake community development (Cleary, 1997). While Turner and Hulme (1997) stated that NGOs are generally registered organizations, community groups, professional associations, trade unions, cooperate charity organizations whose aim is to improve the well being of their members and of those areas in which they exists. The World Bank, on the other hand, sees NGOs as private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, and/or undertake community development. The concept of NGO came into use in 1945 following the establishment of the United Nations Organizations which recognized the need to give a consultative role to organizations which were not classified as neither government nor member states (Willett, 2002). There are certain features which differentiate NGOs from government agencies, even when they are performing similar roles. NGOs have the capacity to experiment and learn from experience, linking processes to outcomes and are also able to enlist the energies and commitment of intended beneficiaries. Fowler (1988) has identified two key distinctive characteristics of NGOs. Firstly, the relationship of the NGO with intended beneficiaries is based upon principles of voluntarism rather than those of control which is typical of government. This means that intended beneficiaries are involved in program design and management. Secondly, it is argued that NGOs have a task oriented approach that permits them to achieve appropriate organizat ional development, which encourages change and diversity rather than control and uniformity, which may hamper progress. Environmental NGOs (ENGOs) One of the stakeholders involved in biological conservation is the so-called Environmental NGOs (ENGOS). These interest groups hope to save the worlds biological resources from rapid extinctions and aspire to awaken a sleeping public to the tragic loss of biological resources that is unfolding today. ENGOs exist at local, national and international levels (e.g. Friends of the Earth, WorldWide Fund for Nature, Greenpeace, etc.). Many ENGOs operate under the explicit purpose of preserving endangered species and ecosystems, and thus make biological conservation the core principle under which they operate. Others focus more broadly on sustainable development and within this framework, they also contribute to biological conservation. As stated by Trzyna (2008), not all conservation organizations have kept their traditional focus but they have become part of the broader environmental movement. There is an increasing number of organizations that started either as conservation or conventiona l environmental groups but now define themselves as part of the new movement for sustainability. Most of the largest NGOs working on biological conservation are either based in the United States (e.g. Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy) or Europe (World Conservation Monitoring Center, Birdlife International). In the opinion of Astbury (1998), an ENGO has a mission statement and/or set of guiding principles emphasizing environmental concerns, e.g. biological conservation. They play an increasingly prominent and important role in representing environmental interest. Environmental NGOs are distinct from environmental movements in a way that there is a formal organization exists in ENGOs. For example, the famous Chipko movement in India, involving village people who hugged trees when loggers arrived to cut trees down, was not an NGO because although there were leaders and followers, there was no formal organization (Potter Taylor, 1996). These organizations are not really new but have been existing over the years. For instance, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds was founded in 1886; the Sierra club in 1892; the Audubon Society for Protection of Birds in 1886; the Wildlife conservation Society (as the New York Zoological Society) in 1895; and fauna and flora International (as the Society for the preservation of the Fauna of the Empire) in 1903. Some of the largest organizations were founded more recently, but with a specific focus on international conservation, including the World Wide fund for Nature (founded as, with some of its constituent organizations still operating as, the world Wildlife Fund) in 1961, and Conservation International in 1987 (Cobb et al., 2007). ENGOs may have existed for a century or more but it is only in recent decades, and particularly since the success of NGOs in shaping the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) or the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, that their numbers have multiplied. Participating civil society organizations officially recognized by the United Nations (UN) in this particular international conference were grouped into major groups such as women, children and youth, indigenous peoples and communities, NGOs, Workers and Trade, Scientific and Technological Community, Business and Industry and farmers. ENGOs are one of the key actors in shaping the creation of Agenda 21 and the Conventions on Biodiversity which saw a heightening of global consciousness about the needs of biodiversity conservation. These are international agreements signed by majority of the countries to guide the world in its actions for development and the environment in the 21st century. Over 20,000 participants of 9,000 organizations in 171 countries were present, and over 1,000 meetings were held between NGO representatives in a forum parallel to official intergovernmental discussions (Fisher 1993). Thus, this event culminated the increasing attention paid to biological conservation by NGOs. Since then, ENGOs expanded their conservation efforts on the ground, especially in tropical countries. For instance, the international conservation programmes of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) have grown from just over $3 million in the late 1980s, to nearly $50 million in 2005, nearly half of WCSs overall operating budget (MacDonald Service, 2007). Although the WCS has programmes in North America, all but $5 million of these funds are sent overseas in developing countries. The Nature Conservancy (TNC), founded in 1951 primarily focus on USA conservation issues, is probably the largest conservation organization in the world, with one million members, and an annual budget of over $800 million (The Nature conservancy, 2004). Conservation International (CI), with a focus on biodiversity hotspots and tropical wilderness areas, was founded in 1987 and has grown to an organization with an annual budget of over $100 million. Roles ENGOs Play ENGOs involved in biological conservation are highly diverse, including local, national, regional, and international groups with various missions dedicated to environmental protection, sustainable development, poverty alleviation, animal welfare, and other issues. A key area in which ENGOs have made an imprint is in assisting the global community to establish global priorities. Such approaches included from those that look at representation of species and habitat types, those that focus on species diversity and levels of threats, those that focus on areas of higher or lower human impact as a surrogate for scaling threat and those that focus on levels of endemism and evolutionary uniqueness in a particular taxon (Cobb et al., 2007). ENGOs importance lies as well in their expertise (Esty, 1998; Charnovitz, 1996). They conduct scientific research and disseminate the results to policy-makers and public (Mohd Ahmad, 2005; Jasanoff 1997; Madon 1999). The degree to which NGOs pursue expert knowledge for complex scientific predicaments makes them critical international players. They translate this knowledge into action. As added by Hempel (1988), international environmental NGOs are usually better prepared than governments to implement studies of environmental protection. NGOs often have much better analytical and technical skills and capacity to respond more quickly than government officials. NGOs can also mobilize and influence individuals or group of individuals to address a problem through awareness campaigns and outreach (Bauer, 2006; Gunter, 2004) and express that issue interest to government agencies. ENGOs raise awareness through media stunts. Through TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines, ENGOS bring this envi ronmental abuse into peoples everyday lives and enable people to act bear witness (Wapner, 1995). Additionally, ENGOS stimulate public pressure aimed at changing governmental policy or directly lobbying state officials. They facilitate in defining an issue area, convince policymakers and publics that the problems thus defined are soluble, prescribe solutions, and monitor their implementation (Keck and Sikkink 1998). ENGOs also aid in empowering local communities to increase capacity and capability in carrying out biological conservation projects; they organize and conduct seminars, environmental education programmes and expeditions to natural; and target private actors in their campaigning efforts (Raustiala, 1997; Themudo, 2000; Chitra, 2003; Jepson, 2005). Indeed, ENGOs have been major contributors to biological conservation by providing funds and expertise, building public support, promoting action, and advocating conservation interests. As argued Gunter (2004), ENGOs are the most appropriate medium for protecting biological resources because of their unique ability to see both small and big and their unique positions above and below the state. NGOs operate at both the micro and macro levels, working on the ground in local villages as well as participating in international negotiations. Moreover, Gunter argued that states are paradoxically both too big and too small when it comes to resolving transnational threats like loss of biodiversity or climate change. ENGOs generally obtain most of their funds from national governments, government agencies, bilateral and multilateral banks, large foundations, transnational corporations, and international foreign aid agencies like UNDP, UNEP and the Global environmental facility (GEF) (Dowie, 2009; Bebbington Riddell, 1995). The GEF which is a multilateral funding mechanism prepared to reduce the burden from Southern countries for environmental protection has become a pilot program to a permanent financial mechanism in 1994 and is supporting the growth of ENGOS. GEF is under the stewardship of the World Bank and the United Nations. The World Bank manages a significant portion of GEF biodiversity funding and also makes additional grants and loans in the biodiversity and protected area domains. ENGOS engage in various activities meant to influence public support. Smith and Connelly (1999) identify ten (10) types of ENGO activity: informal, discreet lobbying; formal lobbying; collecting and sending letters or petitions from the public; producing scientific research and reports; taking legal action; organizing demonstrations and marches; staging media stunts; promoting consumer boycotts; engaging in non-violent direct action; and, engaging in violent direct action. To this list, one might also add giving campaign contributions or endorsements to environmentally-friendly candidates (Grossman and Helpman, 1994, 1999). This activity mostly directly political support and can change the weight given to ENGOS in the political calculus (Binder, S and E. Neumayer, 2005) On the other hand, Gunter (2004) summarized the common strategies used by ENGOs. The two main categories of different approaches are mainstream strategies which include lobbying, litigation, scientific/technical research, property acquisition/maintenance, and monitoring and participatory strategies like grassroots networking and community education. Very few studies are conducted on how people perceive ENGO as one of the crucial players in biological conservation. Researchers like Hyseni (2008), Wong (2003) and Ivy et al. (1998) assessed the attitudes of local people and students towards these organizations but the main focus of their studies were not directed to the roles of ENGOS in general. As Jasanoff (1997) contends, the systematic assessment of the role that ENGOS play in environmental decision making remains noticeably absent in the studies to date. Philippine ENGOs Teehankee (1993) reported that environmental NGOs in the Philippines emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. During the martial law in the early 1970s, social movements appeared provoked by the dictatorship. Militant organizations pressured for political structural and ideological changes. Social movements and other civil society groups started to register as legal entities to be formally recognized by government. This was to avoid being tagged as illegal rabble rousers. In 1986, the EDSA I or the People Power Revolution replaced the totalitarian martial law by the democratic force of the people. Accordingly, two streams from which present-day environmental NGOs originated were identified. The first stream is composed of nature lovers such as conservationist societies and hobby groups which alter expanded their concerns to socio-political issues related to environment and government policies. The other stream is said to consist of field-based activist groups concerned with human r ight issues of tribal communities and poor settlers being displaced by environmentally-destructive projects of the martial law regime. The Philippine Federation for Environmental Concerns (PFEC) was established and this commemorated the first effort at coordination and networking among environmental NGOs. Two more national federations emerged since then the Philippine Environmental Action Network (PEAN) and the Lingkod Tao Kalikasan (LTK). Numerous groups mushroomed then like Haribon Foundation, World Ecologists, Green Forum, and Earth Savers. Aside from the diversification of environmental NGO activities into community resource endeavours, the post-Marcos period was also characterized by the decision of prominent development NGOs, like the Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM), to integrate environmental concerns into their strategic programs (Magno, 1999). . Environmental NGOs were very few before the 1960s. There were sporadic efforts at conservation. Up to about 1970, influenced by the spirit of the time, most development NGOs didnt consider the environment as part of the development framework. Environmental concerns were isolated from social development. Carrying capacity of the environment was not given importance due to the abundance of what nature can provide then. Environmentalists, on the other hand dedicated their work on protection and conservation of genus and species for its authenticity and aesthetic value with no qualms about poverty and human development. Most of the conservationists then came from philanthropists and rich individuals Philippine ENGOs have done and still do fund raising, modelling and implementing viable methods and strategies in the protection and conservation of the environment toward sustainable development. They play multiple roles in influencing policy reform and formulation. The most common role would be that of a lobbyist, using social pressure and the media. Furthermore, many NGOs also play the role of community organizers, educators/trainors, researchers, media practitioners, negotiators, advocates, and catalysts. Taiwan ENGOs Taiwans environmental awareness was not awakened until the 1970s and then was limited to small group of people, mainly from the intellectual class. Not until the late 1980s did the general publics concern over the environmental issues bloom. During this time, environmental problems had reached crisis proportions. The countrys economic miracle was achieved at the cost of environmental deterioration. Reported serious pollution incidents like the one caused by Du Pont in 1986 and the Lee Chang rong Chemical factory in 1982 drew public attention (McBeath Leng, 2006). These events showed that local residents finally had gained environmental consciousness due to unbearable pollution and environmental damage. At this stage, environmental protests led by opposition politicians reflected NIMBYism (not in my backyard)- complaints about local environmental pollution. As reported by Hsiao (1999), there are three streams of environmental movements in Taiwan. These are the anti-pollution, nature conservation, and anti-nuclear movements. In the nature conservation movement, people become more concerned with destruction of Taiwans natural resources. Hence, ENGOs emerged and perceived as key actors in this particular campaign. After the lifting of martial law and as democratization programs were launched in the late 1980s, the environmental movement also gained momentum and developed a national instead of a local focus. During this period, ENGOs accumulated social capital and public trust in Taiwanese society. ENGOs helped to create a plural society through the enlargement of channels of social participation and communication. ENGOs were said to be champions and advocates of Taiwans democratization at early stage, and laid a foundation for democratic consolidation after the md-1990s. The general public gradually learned to think beyond local instances of environmental abuse and paid greater attention to ensuring balance in national policy among economic development, environmental protection, and social justice. Nation-wide ENGOs emerged then from the early to mid-1990s. Hsiao (1999) estimated that there are over 232 environmental NGOs in Taiwan. Most recognizable groups are The Society of Wildlife and Natu re, Bird Society, Taiwan Greenpeace Association, Ecological Conservation Alliance, Life Conservationist Association, Homemakers Union and Foundation, Green Consumers Foundation, Wetlands Taiwan and The Nature Conservation Union. International environmental organizations are not regular participants in domestic environmental protection. Taiwans diplomatic isolation constrains its participation in major international organizations, and international lending institutions such as the World bank and Asian development Bank are not actively involved in its environmental policies. However, occasionally, ENGOs have built close relationships with major international NGOs. In the past, domestic ENGOs exposed cases of trafficking in illegal wildlife and ecological degradation to the international mass media and invited international NGOs to monitor Taiwans mitigation record. McBeath and Leng (2006) outlined the common roles that ENGOS play in Taiwan and these are organizing grassroots demonstrations, promoting public policy making, setting the agenda of public issues, educating the public on environmental issues, monitoring government policies and publicising environmental issues.
Friday, October 25, 2019
political views of federalists and republicans :: essays research papers
The political views of the federalist and the republicans towards the government of the United States of America were different. The republicans stressed equality of rights among citizens allowing people to govern themselves. The federalists believed in a stronger government one in which was sovereign and had superior power over the local governments. à à à à à The republicans view almost always proved to be a disaster but the republicans believed that if a republican government could succeed anywhere, it would be within the virtuous communities of the United States of America. The republicans felt that replacing a monarchy government with a republican government would give the people many more rights and freedoms. Many people thought that it required too much public integrity for the people to govern themselves and live independently. It would require the people to obey laws and maintain order with the absence of monarchy forces. à à à à à The federalists view saw the republicans view as a weakness. They insisted on a stronger common government. The federalists had an understanding that there could only be one sovereign in a political system, one final authority that everyone must obey and no one can appeal. They thought this was the only effective way in creating an effective central government. The independent states seemed to think it was clear that each one of them were independently sovereign, although based on history only small countries were suitable for the republican government. With history proving the republicans wrong for trying to create a republican government in the states the federalists were slowly trying to create a stronger central government. There first step was making the sovereign states agree to the Articles of Confederation which established a close alliance of independent states. The federalist central government was referred to as a ââ¬Å"confederacyâ⬠. political views of federalists and republicans :: essays research papers The political views of the federalist and the republicans towards the government of the United States of America were different. The republicans stressed equality of rights among citizens allowing people to govern themselves. The federalists believed in a stronger government one in which was sovereign and had superior power over the local governments. à à à à à The republicans view almost always proved to be a disaster but the republicans believed that if a republican government could succeed anywhere, it would be within the virtuous communities of the United States of America. The republicans felt that replacing a monarchy government with a republican government would give the people many more rights and freedoms. Many people thought that it required too much public integrity for the people to govern themselves and live independently. It would require the people to obey laws and maintain order with the absence of monarchy forces. à à à à à The federalists view saw the republicans view as a weakness. They insisted on a stronger common government. The federalists had an understanding that there could only be one sovereign in a political system, one final authority that everyone must obey and no one can appeal. They thought this was the only effective way in creating an effective central government. The independent states seemed to think it was clear that each one of them were independently sovereign, although based on history only small countries were suitable for the republican government. With history proving the republicans wrong for trying to create a republican government in the states the federalists were slowly trying to create a stronger central government. There first step was making the sovereign states agree to the Articles of Confederation which established a close alliance of independent states. The federalist central government was referred to as a ââ¬Å"confederacyâ⬠.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dmitri Mendeleev Essay
I have chosen to write about Dmitri Mendeleev. What was Dmitri Mendeleev know for? Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who developed the periodic classification of the elements. In his version of the periodic table, Mendeleev left gaps in places where he believed unknown elements would fit in and he predicted the likely properties of three of the potential elements. The proof of many of his predictions within his lifetime brought fame to Mendeleev as the founder of the periodic law. So who was Dmitri Mendeleev? Mendeleev was born on February 8, 1834 in the village of Verkhnie Aremzyani, near Tobolsk in Siberia. Mendeleev is thought to be the youngest of 17 siblings. His father was a teacher of politics, philosophy, and fine arts. Unfortunately for the familyââ¬â¢s well being, his father became blind and lost his teaching position. His mother was forced to work and she restarted her familyââ¬â¢s abandoned glass factory. At the age of 13, after the passing of his father and the destruction of his motherââ¬â¢s factory by fire, Mendeleev attended the Gymnasium in Tobolsk. In 1849, the Mendeleev family relocated to Saint Petersburg, where Mendeleev entered the Main Pedagogical Institute in 1850. Sometime after Mendeleev graduated, he contracted tuberculosis, causing him to move to the Crimean Peninsula on the northern coast by the Black Sea in 1855. While he was there he became a science master of the Simferopol gymnasium. Later he returned with fully restored health to Saint Petersburg in 1857. Between 1859 and 1861, he worked on the capillarity of liquids and the workings of the spectroscope in Heidelberg. In late August 1861 he wrote his first book on the spectroscope. In April of 1862 Mendeleev became engaged to Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva, and they married on 27 April 1862 at Nikolaev Engineering Instituteââ¬â¢s church in Saint Petersburg. Mendeleev became a professor at the Saint Petersburg Technological Institute and Saint Petersburg State University in 1864 and 1865. After becoming a teacher, Mendeleev wrote the textbook, Principles of Chemistry. As he attempted to classify the elements according to their chemical properties, he too noticed patterns that led him to postulate his periodic table. Mendeleev was also unaware of the earlier work on periodic tables going on. In 1863 there were 56 known elements with a new element being discovered at a rate of approximately one per year. Mendeleev made the following table, and by adding additional elements following this pattern, developed his extended version of the periodic table. In 1865 he became Doctor of Science for his dissertation on the combinations of water with alcohol. He achieved tenure in 1867, and a few years later by 1871 Mendeleev had transformed Saint Petersburg into an internationally recognized center for chemistry research. Later on in 1876, Mendeleev had become obsessed with Anna Ivanova Popova and began obsessed with her. In 1881 he proposed to her and threatened suicide if she refused to marry him. His divorce from Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva was finalized one month after he had married Anna in early 1882. Even after the divorce, Mendeleev was technically a bigamist. His divorce and the surrounding controversy contributed to his failure to be admitted to the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mendeleev was widely honored by scientific organizations all over Europe, including the Copley Medal from the Royal Society of London; he resigned from Saint Petersburg University in August of 1890. In 1893, he was appointed Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures. It was in this role that he was directed to formulate new state standards for the production of vodka. As a result of his work, new standards for vodka were introduced into Russian law and all vodka had to be produced at 40% alcohol by volume. Mendeleev also investigated the composition of petroleum, and helped to found the first oil refinery in Russia. In 1907, Mendeleev died at the age of 72 in Saint Petersburg from influenza. The crater Mendeleev on the Moon, as well as element number 101, the radioactive mendelevium, are named after him. Referances: E.Babaev. February 20, 2012. http://www.chem.msu.su/eng/misc/mendeleev/welcome.html http://www.biography.com/people/dmitri-mendeleyev-9405465 http://www.chemistry.co.nz/mendeleev.htm http://chemistry.about.com/od/famouschemists/p/mendeleevbio.htm http://www.famousscientists.org/dmitri-mendeleev/ Reflection, I decided to write about Dmitri Mendeleev because I thought he sounded the most interesting. I also wanted to learn more about him and his life. Chemistry is very entertaining to me and Mendeleev basically wrote the periodic table.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Quotation Analysis Essay
ââ¬Å"Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.â⬠The words in this quote, by an unknown author, invite the reader to take a deeper, more insightful glance into how teenagers set out on a youthful rebellion to grow up too fast and get away from their problems. The words also invite the reader to take a deeper more insightful glance into how parents begin to age as they raise teenagers. Through literature, the author uses the point of view of the adolescent and their guardian to express how they feel as the adolescent ascents into their teenage years and starts developing their own opinions. An unknown author portrays meaning through the quote which relates to the actions of adolescents as they move through the teenage stage of their life. As teenagers grow up, they face changes in their personal, social, and educational lives. First, they start to act like they are as old as time itself which is normal but can be taken too far. By doing things on their own without anyoneââ¬â¢s help, they also start to become very independent which is only good most of the time until it starts to get out of hand. Teenagers may also start to think they are too old for certain activities or items. They begin to act as if they are too good for some items or activities which can appear as snobbish to those who are around them. Appearing as snobbish can be a turn off, which causes friendships to be lost and relationships to be broken. This will lead to isolation from others to avoid being heart-broken or hurt. Adolescents usually can isolate themselves for a few weeks or about a month, but sometimes the non-contact with friends or family members can get to their heads making them angry or emotionally disturbed. Yelling, screaming, disobeying, slamming doors all can be the outcome of isolation even to those who you love and cherish. Parents understand that their children can have their bad days but if it continues to be on a daily basis they fear that their childââ¬â¢s emotional state will lead them on the wrong path. The theme of the quote is that you should enjoy your life as a teenager with your parentââ¬â¢s guidance. Life is full of ups and downs and we have to make the most of them while weââ¬â¢re still young and energetic. Enjoying your childhood will have a big impact on how you are as a person as you get older. Making a lot of friends, trying new things, and just having fun can increase your mood but also how you feel as a person. Teenagers mustnââ¬â¢t forget that while having fun itââ¬â¢s also important to spend time with your family. As you get older, you will always be treated like a baby till your gray-haired. It might seem annoying at first but it just is a reminder that in your parentââ¬â¢s eyes, you will always be a child. Your parents wonââ¬â¢t always be around to comfort you and take care of you, so donââ¬â¢t take their love for granted and treat them badly. Parents are at an age where they may not be up to date with the modern American customs since they might come from another place. The kids are so used American customs since most were born here and the parent just use methods to teach their children how they were taught when they were young. Parents think they are giving us another way to living but they donââ¬â¢t realize that some of their own customs are pretty ridiculous and embarrass their children. At this time children just donââ¬â¢t understand that these customs are part of you and you hurt your parents by being so embarrassed. Your guardian already has problems of their own and they donââ¬â¢t need their children to make them feel even more horrible. Parents will be begin to feel stressed, will feel older than they actually are, and might even start to gain gray hairs. You should treat your parents with the dignity and respect they deserve while also abiding by their customs and rules. An unknown author uses words that personally relate to the Broadway musical ââ¬Å"13â⬠. At a certain point in their life, a teenager is ready to make their own decisions , which is similar to the decisions made by a young man in the Broadway musical ââ¬Å"13â⬠. The main character in the play, Evan Goldman, feels like he has to impress all the people around him and ignore how he really feels. When moving through the teenage stage of your life, you will feel like you have to impress other people to fit in or make certain impressions on certain people. To impress these people teenagers could even resort to doing criminal acts when they know it canââ¬â¢t be right. Peer pressure from other teens is one of the main reasons others are led astray. Goldman also feels like a teenager doesnââ¬â¢t have any privileges to do the fun things in life until they grow much older. Adolescents always want to experience things such as getting their driverââ¬â¢s license or bungee jumpi ng but they have to realize that to experience the exciting things in life, you have to be very patient. Donââ¬â¢t try to rush through the important stages by acting as if you are a grown man/woman when you have great privileges awaiting you. The parents in the Broadway musical ââ¬Å"13â⬠are so busy worrying about their children and how they act, by the end of the musical the parents are all old and incapable of taking care of their children. While their children are getting into problems between friends, the parents can only stand aside and watch since they have other problems to deal with and their child wonââ¬â¢t even tell them whatââ¬â¢s going on. Unfortunately in the end the parents end up not being able to help their child leaving them to deal with it themselves whether in a good or bad way. However, without the parentââ¬â¢s guidance the children still settled their problems in a good non-violent way so the parents donââ¬â¢t have to worry anymore. An unknown author presents the point of view of the child through the explanation of what the child thinks about their parents and how they think certain situations should be dealt with. Life is about responsibilities and teens want to show their parents how responsible they are. Most adolescents feel like their parents treat them like they are still 5 years old and donââ¬â¢t realize that their baby has grown up into a teenager. They just want to have the privileges of a mature teenager but also be treated like one. Parents also insist on telling their adolescent what to do but it can also be unnecessary because the child already knows how and what to do. Children just want to learn from experience or try what they think is right without our parentââ¬â¢s comments. Teenagers sometimes just want to have a simple conversation but other times being left alone can also be great. They have their moments where they just want to sit down and think about certain things without having to explain their private thoughts to someone you wonââ¬â¢t think will understand. Parents can be the most difficult to explain to if something has happened and you just need advice. Most of the time, they cannot relate to the experience or sometimes just donââ¬â¢t understand. This will make teens skeptical about telling their parents anything. From the parentââ¬â¢s point of view, the children need to just wake up and smell the cappuccino. Life is full of problems and obstacles but the only way you can overcome them is with the guidance of your parents. If you try to deal with your problems alone, youââ¬â¢ll only end up hurting yourself in the end. A parentââ¬â¢s goal in life is for their child to be successful and happy so if theyââ¬â¢re not happy, the parent isnââ¬â¢t happy. Parentââ¬â¢s also wish their children would understand why they make certain decisions. Itââ¬â¢s not that they want to ruin our lives, they just want to protect us. Besides, things happen a certain way for a certain reason. Our parents just want to take care of us and make sure we have a good future. An unknown author use words to personally relate to experiences in my life. Everything has to go exactly right and it has to go my way. I wonââ¬â¢t lie, I dislike it when my father doesnââ¬â¢t listen to my opinion even though it matters. If we are debating on whether or not I can go on an overnight trip with my school, it would be nice if you would listen to my reasons of why I want to go and how I could benefit from it. Iââ¬â¢m not saying you have to agree with my opinion but listening to it can influence your decision. He thinks that something will happen on the trip and is very overprotective. I listen to what you have to say and it will probably influence on how I think about the matter. Even when I ask my parents to help me with my decisions, they always tell me ââ¬Å"whichever one suits you bestâ⬠. I can never make my own decisions on certain matters and sometimes that can either be a good or bad thing. Itââ¬â¢s good because once someone tells me what they think I can develop my own opinion off of that but itââ¬â¢s bad since sometimes certain people can cause me to make a bad decision that could affect how I feel about certain topics. By the end of the day, I canââ¬â¢t stop thinking about what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future. Usually people come to me about their problems, but sometimes I already have my own problems to deal with so I donââ¬â¢t need to be involved in any more. The fact of the matter is that everyone has a way they want things to be done but it wonââ¬â¢t always go your way. Throughout the past years, teenagers have no respect for themselves and others. Respect can open and close many doors, however, this is one trait lacking in the teenagers of today. I see teenagers on the street cursing, fighting, and carrying themselves like their parents/guardians havenââ¬â¢t taught them anything since day one. I know your parents spent a lot of time teaching you whatââ¬â¢s right and whatââ¬â¢s wrong so why let it all go to waste. Teens think they are grown and know whatââ¬â¢s right so they rebel against their parents but what they donââ¬â¢t know is that your parentââ¬â¢s have completed school and have a job to support you. Until you have a job and a degree to prove your successful, you canââ¬â¢t call yourself grown. What I have also noticed is that adolescents begin to skip school and ignored their education. Doing this could affect what high school or college they make it into. If teens are as grown as they act, they would accept their priorit ies and act like a mature young adult. Adolescence can be a difficult period, however the way it is handled will define who we are and who we will become as men and women of the future. The words in this quote by an unknown author, invite the reader to take a deeper, more insightful glance into how teenagers set out on a youthful rebellion to grow up too fast and get away from their problems. Teenagers just need to stop, take in all the love/ friendship surrounding them, and also just enjoy and make the most of their life.
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